This is because of our epic four day trek to Machu Pichu... and the 5 days it took me to recover from it!
We went with a company called Peru treks - we booked it way back in March - as they strictly control who gets into the national park now and the permits run out super quick.
I was a bit concerned because not only was it the most expensive thing we were doing on this trip, but we had had to do a huge circle round peru to get to it on time including the afore mentions 20 hours of pukey bus.
We were in a group of sixteen - us, two lovely irish girls who were doing a round the world trip and then a family of twelve from champagne illinois - which made quite a change from the traveller types we had been hanging out with up to then. Luckily everyone got on really well.
The stars of the show were the peru trek staff though. Our two guides, Elistan and Raulito, were really nice, very attentive and so enthusiastic! we felt so looked after right from the start. They even took the edge of the 5am starts by providing 'tent service' - a hot drink of your choice served to you while you still snug in your sleeping bag.
And the food! oh my god the food! three course meals for lunch and dinner - with the most amazing attention to detail - they even baked a cake for PJ's birthday! a cake! at 4000 metres above sea level! in a tent! the mind boggles.
So we did three days of walking - the first day was pretty easy - Elistan would stop off every so often to explain a ruin or the inka uses of a particular plant and we ended the day with flambéed bananas so that was lovely.
I had been told that the second day was going to be the hardest - it was basically 8 hours of walking uphill to a mountain pass 4200 meters asl. It was pretty tough - but Elistan had shown us how to chew coca leaves to help with the altitude. They really did help - it was like having a slow release caffeine drip. Dermot skipped up to the top first (then the two irish girls, then me)
In fairness though, the american group had brought double what we had - about 10 kilos each for the guys (the majority of which appeared to be beef jerky). And one girl was really struggling with the altitude. I was really impressed she made it - i dont think i would have.
So we were in bed pretty early that night. Then the third day happened - another 10 hours of walking - my thighs felt they were on fire within the first 10 minutes! Luckily it was also the day with the most beautiful scenery too. And as we entered the amazon cloud forest i was able to indulge my new photographic hobby - moss!
Plus we were given an extra treat at lunch when a romantic llama couple decided to er...... (see photo) directly in front of our lunch tent, much to the amusement of us and the group of high school students in the campsite next to ours.
Naturally, we all felt bouyed by the experience, and i think it helped me survive the 'gringo killers' that were to come next. turns out down hill is more difficult than uphill. WTF.
The fact is that the trek we do is not entirely the real inka trail as much of the 'royal pass' that we follow has been destroyed. Anyway, the inkas were sensible enough to find flat paths through the mountains. Instead, the peruvian government has designated a route and 'paved' part of it. unfortunately the paving is not there to help you - it works against you - but to preserve the path during the landslides and floodings that inundate this area during the rainy season.
In fact, there are still plenty of inka trails - and inka ruins - still to be discovered in that area. which is a bit crazy, since there are 500 people treking through it every day in high season, and god knows how many archeologists around. In fact, Elistan disappeared for the second half of the third day to follow a new inca trail that had only been discovered last month!
Im currently reading a book on Peruvian archeology called Cochineal red. Its amazing to think that the vast majority of the archealogical disoveries that have been made in this country have happened only in the last 10 years. And that in every direction we looked as we passed into the beginning of the amazon cloud forest there could be a inka or pre-inka city still hiding right under our noses.
The third day also coincided with Pachamammas birthday. Pachamamma is mother earth and is still worshipped amongst many of the indigenous cultures in south america. Albeit many have mixed this beleif with catholicism insome form or other. Elistan lead us in an offering ceremony to pachamamma and Apus the male mountain god. It was difficult to work out on what level theguides followed this religion - but Elistan explained that for him Pachamamma makes sense as it isfrom the earth that we get food and ultimately everything we need. At any rate it seems that pachamamma really likes chocolate as we had clear skies throughout the trip (almost unheard of this close to rainy season) and we saw a condor - which is very rare these days - and a rainbow!. We finished the third day at the most beautiful site of the whole trek - inka farming terraces that look out over the valley. then i collapsed into my sleeping bag.
My only complaint about the trek was the state of the toilets. Oh. My. I thought we had seen the worst in Cuba, but these were ridonkulous. This unfortunatly resulted in many people choosing to use the 'inka toilet' (the great outdoors) with disasterous results.
On the last day we were up at 4am to allow the porters to pack up and run for their train. (the company is owned by a gringo who only lets them catch the 5:15 train - all the others are kept for tourists).
We then had to wait about in the dark to be allowed to enter the actual machu pichu site. unfortunately the coca leaves had meant niether me nor dermot had had very good sleep over the past couple of nights. so when dermot discovered that he had unfortunately put his bag in someone's inka toilet, neither of us were in a particularly good mental state to deal with it. Nevertheless - no way were we going to let some bastards unsanitary habits prevent me from seeing machu pichu hit by the first rays of light - so we doused the bag in hand sanitiser and practically ran the hour walk to the mirador. It was stunning, although i do worry that for dermot the edge had been taken of the experience.
We then marched on the machu pichu itself for cheesy photos and a guided tour by elistan. Although the tour was brilliant, i have to admit that i dont think it was the best way to see machu pichu itself. We were exhausted and dirty and all i could think about was having a shower. So after the tour we took the bus down to agua caliente to experience the natural hot springs.
ah........... it was lovely. Especially when we realised that if you waved your arms in the air a man dressed as a native (north) american would come and serve you cocktails in the pool!
Sangria, hot tub, mountain view and dark side of the moon playing over the sound system. mmmmmmm.